Elon Musk has organized “XPRIZE;” an enterprise hosting worldwide competitions to save the planet. Competitions such as “Feed the Next Billion,” a protein-focused search for better and more abundant food production, and “Carbon Removal,” aimed to see carbon removed from the atmosphere. Our proposal can be called “Ecological Enhancement.” [X,X]
Well, we, the ‘Biodiverse Food Study here in Panama,‘ already possess knowledge of the existing solution to both of these issues (“so we think in our crazy heads” – interview below start at 2:45). Now we just need to demonstrate the all-natural climate change solution.
Our team has developed a few tech concepts like our digital ‘gangmaker’ platform rough-draft that has laid dormant the last year, and a few old-schoolers just getting our hands dirty with the internet.
This platform creative outburst from 2019, “the Gangmaker App,” was originally an in-house beta experiment to help organize labor and student groups to tackle all of the farm responsibilities in a robust and dynamic ecological enhancement operation. The idea was also to work towards automated systems integrations and dynamic real-time climate, even water ph level and other statistical inputs.
The app now works for a perfect place to organize and develop the BioTribe Carbon Removal agenda, carry out experiments among the interns from our tropical research and study center, along with our principal team who is traveling from farm to farm every 11 days here in Central and South America; always on the move, and also between alumni interns who now work their own models of this stuff [x].
“Excess carbon is an excellent opportunity to reforest and repair the damge we have done.”
What we are working to do now is integrate two excellent concepts into an effective moving force and then “move out.”
The “crypto” NFT (non-fungible token) space has a well-tested robust and exciting full world-scale economy creation. This non-central bank is “blockchain” code-based, so it is completely transparent and more dependable and concrete than that what we have now. [x,x,x]
To boot, they have created a mock world platform that goes all the way to complete replicas and variations of natural life in what they call the digital “metaverse.”
This is the very perfect technology to show our “dimension of ecological restorations” and compensate participants in very clear, transparent direct-to-worker performance payments of source funds.
New “Polygon” blockchain technology going into play over the last several months allows for the very low-cost NFT creation allowing anyone to participate.
This is big news for blockchain and within the natural coming sharp raise in the blockchain tech-popularity that is expected by a large number of today’s brilliant minds, and increased computer time for people; it could be argued that implementing as many real-nature-based influences into the “crypto culture” would be a good thing on its own, giving people new incentives that could bring new would-be purely tech printed youth into more nature-tethered and dynamic life experience.
The blockchain system can allow us to create an economy around tree planting, natural enhancements and restorations, animal repopulation, and balance work and provide the organizational structure for advancing natural enhancements in a calculated fashion. A “sweat-based” economy is not yet a popular mode of operation in the crypto culture space at this time, but it should be.
This new blockchain technology is expected to facilitate better voting and democracy, documenting of history within agendas and product developments as well as in governments and it could certainly offer these features to this important health direction as well as promote quick visibility for new innovations.
Education and modus operandi updates can b quickly distributed and received through this economy.
For starters, we plan to attach valuable NFTs and cryptocurrencies for GPS-mapped ecological enhancements. Funds can go directly into the hands of anyone who puts the work in.
This functionality is timed very well; for a time when people don’t want a boss and don’t want to work in a soulless company anymore as well as a serious wave of homelessness issues. I have always found “the most problemed to be the most solving.” [x,x,x]
“Guerilla Permaculture” is a theory and experimentation system that seeks the enhancement of our ecology via a unique human-to-nature-nurturing program. The BioTribe has been doing these concept sites and experiments for about 6 years now.
As a counterweight to deforestation and urbanization, Guerilla Permaculture is a contemporary work aimed at overall personal and ecological health with new climate-change awareness technical efforts. We feel this approach will exceed that of a carbon-neutral system for healthy behavior and a sustainable planet.
This program is a diverse nature nurturing system, that offers various deployment options and business models that can be scaled from subsistence levels to help economically-challenged populations.
In the pursuit of ecological health for all, our official system calls on much more than just individual market persons, however, to provide the functionality to needed scale -in the proper format is incredibly important.
We are proud of our work on this concept that we feel is the best Carbon Removal and food crisis solution that is more than 60 recent years in the making on “Permacultures” everywhere, that do improve all aspects of life around them, that curiously remains unknown to the masses.
We invite all groups globally to participate where individual efforts can be developed in their respective locales. We have built the interfaces necessary to map and catalog biological efforts, species, and climatic data in real-time worldwide.
The next step of human progression will require a more symbiotic tie with nature, the reason being that we have reached a critical line of demarcation, not in population size but in our cultural practices. In other words, it is not our life, but our way of life that is harmful.

The whole thing should really tie into one of these plant identification applications to expedite our group experimentations and education.
Our facilities and talents so far in the journey have been remarkable. To be able to use our blessings and developed and create a real presentation that submits to the scientific community and answers all of the requirements outlined in the competition guidelines – which are intense; would complete the very important mission here of bringing an extreme positive from the extreme negative. More importantly, unlocking and demonstrating natural methods of enhanced carbon conversion and quality of life is paramount today.
In the spirit of ‘permaculture’ (that is a search term folks) a dedicated observation of nature’s functionality; a rule of “each selection in the organism must function for at least two purposes,” exists.
Brandon E.
What we propose is enhancing the capacity of current farmland and other lands to
increase carbon capture using fungi’s insects, animals, and specialized plant selections,
diverse growing constructions, the techniques of permaculture and regenerative
agriculture systems, and biodynamic agriculture preparations and soil treatments.
In the words of Bill Mollison, who designed the Permaculture Design Course,
“Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against
nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted
and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their
functions, rather than treating any area as a single-product system.”
Our motivation for deciding to work on farmland is manifold. Agriculture is currently
responsible for about a quarter of net greenhouse gas emissions and thus significantly
contributes to climate change [1]. This is due to the use and production of synthetic
fertilizers, the use of fossil fuel-intensive machinery, soil degradation, and livestock
[2,3c]. Furthermore, land conversion from natural ecosystems to agricultural land is
linked to the loss of biomass above and below the ground [4].
A recent study [5] predicts 240 GtC uptake on 2020 Mha of land, a rate of 0.12 GtC
Mha−1 over a 50-year period. At this rate, we’d need to convert around 83 Mha of
agricultural land every year to reach the 10 GtC per year goal. At the end of the 50 year
period, around 4.1 billion of the available 5 billion hectares used for agricultural land [4]
would need to be converted.
The solution has also an indirect impact on CO2 emissions from decreased fossil-fuel
intensive machinery in agriculture, the industrial processes involved in the creation of
said machinery, and chemical fertilizers. Since permaculture works with animals too, the
meat, dairy, and egg industries will diminish their emissions.
We can extend the idea to not only use agricultural land. Another recent study [6]
suggests that the planet can support an additional 900 Mha of forest without using
agricultural land or living environments. If designed to be permacultural food forests, this
new land could capture an additional 108 GtC at our estimated rate, and help feed the
2.2 estimated billion additional humans the United Nations estimates will live by 2050.
Literature to Support Approach
[1] Edenhofer, O.; Pichs-Madruga, R.; Sokona, Y.; Farahani, E.; Kadner, S.; Seyboth, K.;
Adler, A.; Baum, I.; Brunner, S.; Eickemeier, P.; et al. (Eds.) Climate Change 2014:
Mitigation of Climate Change; IPCC: Geneva, Switzerland, 2014; Contribution of
Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.
[2] Hathaway, M.D. Agroecology and permaculture: Addressing key ecological problems
by rethinking and redesigning agricultural systems. J. Environ. Stud. Sci. 2016, 6,
[3] Rojas-Downing, M.M.; Nejadhashemi, A.P.; Harrigan, T.; Woznicki, S.A. Climate
change and livestock: Impacts, adaptation, and mitigation. Clim. Risk Manag. 2017, 16,
[4] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Land use in agriculture by
the numbers. http://www.fao.org/sustainability/news/detail/en/c/1274219/. Accessed 30
Sept. 2021.
[5] V. K. Arora, A. Montenegro, Small temperature benefits provided by realistic
afforestation efforts. Nat. Geosci. 4, 514–518 (2011).
[6] Bastin, J.-F., Finegold, Y., Garcia, C., Mollicone, D., Rezende, M., Routh, D., Zohner,
C. M., & Crowther, T. W. (2019). The global tree restoration potential. Science,
365(6448), 76–79. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aax0848
[7] Smith, P, Soussana, J-F, Angers, D, et al. How to measure, report and verify soil
carbon change to realize the potential of soil carbon sequestration for atmospheric
greenhouse gas removal. Glob Change
Biol. 2020; 26: 219– 241. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14815
There is the potential for the most significant and smartest information creation in ecological enhancement sciences to function as a mainframe to global automated biodynamic systems management (example) or (infinite possibilities).
We take the opportunity to look at sustainable human culture support systems in what we are doing. Private innovation should be incentivized and easily distributed and integrated into the “worldwide Bio-team,”
These application platforms are also great opportunities to develop our group-work concept site, and other technical resources especially those that bridge the gap and create a harmonious balance between tech and nature – which really could be a serious part of the solutions to both protein and carbon issues.
Developing real natural human-managed solutions will take cultural changes, and simply, “lots of real humans.” Our project plans account for this manpower and propose a simple switch of existing job place duties.
We have engineered proto-enhancements that use existing agricultural machines, facilities, and associations, by strategic changes in materials, direction, and process.
We aim to bring valid natural solutions at insanely low cost by way of valid formulas and large-scale education.
#carbonsolutions #climatechange #ecologicalenhancement
This 4-year competition is gonna be interesting. Because of the high-interest levels in what we are doing and the groups we are involved with doing it, we have no shortage of student talent for this team. In fact, we have that lined up around the block so to speak. However, what we need now is very experienced individuals with access to more technology for:
- Carbon air and soil testing.
- Mycological pursuits.
- Zone Managers – this can be done in members’ home geography and incentivized by the crypto money.
Those interested in providing support to our team, please “Sign Up” above to GangMaker.com and send a private message to the author, indicating how you would like to provide support or what role you can play as team members. Thanks.