Video Games are huge amongst the upcoming generation who inherit the wonderful real verse. For generations, the guidebook for young people to achieve real strength and next-level attitude has been missing, but we seem to have had it before because all over history comes up a rugged culture knowledgable and advanced, that preserves goodness and peace, and is thankful for the GIFT of the world and is in tune with nature.
We started to make a cool game that was acceptable and interesting to young people. We went with a traditional Zombie-killer gameplay route, a “first-person shooter,” the most popular gaming model today.
The next popular game that is slowly hitting the scene now in an underground scenario yet, billions are invested, is “play to earn” crypto gaming.
Voodoo Breaker is a “Play to Earn” Crypto Game with highly limited NFTs, that is promoted in a very targeted fashion to gym-heads, athletes, martial artists, runners, ecologists, tree-freaks, nutritionists, botanists, and nature people.
This game is good! It has lots of potential, and our team is tough and here to stay. A few of us have been doing media projects together now for over 25 years.
We already have one original feature where a target opens a gallery on Open Sea.
We have a few more cool original ideas for this and the mobile game coming up! That said we are excited about the first 300 creative forums to come up with some even more sweet ideas.
In the very near future, we will hold action-oriented challenges for Prospect NFTs. This includes a Burpee Challenge, a Running Challenge, and shortly there a GPS tree planting challenge experiment with the Bio-Tribe Xprize Team. Physical Verification is also a function of these and this is why geographical “gangs” are encouraged. This game will have avenues of play that benefit groups of friends in one geographical area. is our beta test of a social platform that is designed to bring groups together, and ensure that one’s work in whatever project or agenda equates to a value in a multi-verified cryptographic ledger.
The VoodooBreaker brand will spread across the net and mobile networks in various forms, and develop potential in real-world to meta world relationships.
The team has big plans and I think we have done a good job at the creation and production of a good video game product that plays well (has room for expansion no doubt) and creating a cultural base attitude for cultivating an ecologically empathetic, healthy, fit and intelligent communal body.
It is a good way to think about it nowadays in the English Speaking world especially. “Breaking the Voodoo.” We really have been lied to by everybody, generations before us cultivated a hateful angry, uneducated, uncivil social culture, that is much more crabs in a barrel than let’s go build something great.
We have been used for war and as weapons against each other. We have been galvanized in one polar unaccepted ness or another. It is alike as if we are all under a dark spell.
In the technologically best most possible age ever, suicide rates are way up, drug addiction rates are off the charts, and human suffering is at an all-time high. New wars, and new lies, and now it could be World War III, surely we need a whole new thing. Maybe a conscious dynamic perspective and belief and faith in what has been God-given, and distrust and careful watch of what is man-given.
Our real hood is nature, and beyond the gym, the track, and the mat is nature. That is the next level of strength and ability that is real.
Incredible Gems of Information from an incredible journey are dropped through gameplay storyline in the various levels and versions around next-level nutrition, fitness, and optimal integration with nature.
The Biotribe Team has been an integral part of the storyline thus far. That said, Gangmaker is a robust internal forum and task organization site where weighted NFT holders will be heard on matters of game development including storyline.
I have found in my travels certain countries in Latin America, Asia, and Europe to be far more growth-oriented and positive in social ambient which makes me hopeful about the possibilities of cultural change and differences.;